Crisis is often a trigger for innovation as traditional solutions are no longer viable; closed loop and point in time methods such as email threads, hackathons and surveys cannot support the necessary drive for innovation when employees and external stakeholders work remotely. Understanding the ways in which you can engage your entire ecosystem including employees, partners, suppliers and customers, capture their insights and rapidly deliver new, innovative solutions is essential when overcoming the challenges presented during a crisis.

edison365ideas is a transparent and collaborative idea management solution. In a centralized hub, built on Office 365, you can pose challenges, submit ideas, vote and review submissions to identify the best solutions for your organization. Leveraging the platforms Open innovation capabilities you can collaborate externally to harness the entire Innovation ecosystem

In this webinar you will learn:

    • How to leverage existing investments to support innovation
    • Why a crisis is the time to consider innovation
    • How innovation can support your organization to build back stronger
    • How to create a structured innovation process with remote employees and stakeholders

About the speaker:

Ivan Lloyd, Chief Innovation Officer, edison365

Ivan leads the strategy for our edison365 suite of products and solutions. Driving our vision "to empower every organization to create and deliver change". 

Ivan - LP